HQ Fail #2/Weekly Play Reflection

This week’s weekly play was a challenging one for me! I had a difficult time attempting to figure out how to create the story for Snapchat. Once I figured out how to string them all together, I couldn’t figure out how to share my story with the class on a blog post. What happened was I figured out that I could export my story, but did not realize I could export the story as a whole. I ended up exporting each snap individually, one at a time to my email. From my email, I attempted to copy and paste the image directly onto a blog post. The hope was I could post all of the snaps together under one another, stringing together a snapchat story. The only problem was the pictures would not transfer from the email to the weekly blog! After reviewing the snapchat options, I realized I could share the entire story at once! Therefore I decided to use my twitter to share this week’s weekly play, using the #beduc476 hashtag. Not a perfect solution, but it’s not a perfect world. The motivation behind my story, was to give my followers a look into what the life of an educator is like while going to graduate school!

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