HQ Fail #3-Daily Create GIF with photos/Sharing created content

Today’s daily create took me almost 30 minutes to create, and upload.  I feel that it should have been a quicker process. Today’s daily create asked us to create a GIF, video or audio that portrayed little mice with mighty stories. Some examples that I saw were GIFs that were made with images of movie title covers, so I decided to give this a shot. At first, I created a GIF that portrayed just one picture, thinking it would move on it’s own. When it was created, nothing happened! So I went back, and added a second picture to the first picture. The GIF started to rotate back and forth between the two images. I decided that I would use this for my daily create. The next step was to share this with the daily create page, and the class. I copied the link, and then proceeded to the daily create website. After searching the page for a place to share the link, I decided to go directly to twitter. I pasted the link directly into twitter, and made the appropriate tags before sharing. Upon checking my post, I realized that I had just posted a code without the GIF actually playing! I quickly deleted the tweet. More or less, it slowly turned into a struggle for me to figure out how to upload the GIF to twitter. I ended up having to google how to do this process. While going back and forth between the help site and twitter, I accidentally clicked on the image creator site where my original GIF link was. I realized there was a twitter icon that I could click on that would instantly share my creation. I opted to go this route. As always, it has been hard for me to figure out how to share content that I have created. There seem to be many ways to go about sharing content, some more difficult than others. I hope to learn how to be more efficient with regards to sharing content that I create.

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