HQ Fail #4- Twitter Hashtags!!

This week’s assignments seemed to go well enough. I worked through my weekly readings, tweeting about them. Once I completed my tweets, I turned my attention to tweeting within my networks. After taking a while to engage with people on twitter, I was done with this part of my daily assignments! A while later, I went back to my blog page to post several things. Out of the corner of my eye, I realized something was off in my twitter widget. I wondered to myself, “What’s missing?” My heart immediately sank. I realized I had neglected to include hashtags in my tweets!! “No way!!!” I thought. There must be an edit button that I can select to fix this. Nope. I realized I had to delete all of my tweets, and retype each tweet out individually. This was frustrating for me, since I had to first type out my tweets into a word document before deleting my original tweets. The next step was to type the tweet into my phone’s twitter app. At least two or three times, I posted revised tweets again without including the hashtag!! Trying not to think negatively, I deleted these tweets and typed them again, including the appropriate hashtags. Reflecting upon this, I realize why twitter does not include the option to modify tweets. Anyone would be able to lie their way out of original posts, and tweets would no longer be credible. Understanding this made me feel better about my twitter troubles. Don’t forget to ## folks!

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