Reflection-My Twitter Network


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When I first reflected on myself as a novice tweeter, I was lacking on the contributions part of twitter. In fact, Twitter began been a one way street for me as I let information come to me. No more. Twitter is now a two way street as I grow confident in my digital voice. Considering where I was before, the snapshot of where I am currently at indicates I am becoming more active with my tweets (see image above). It used to be that I would just read posts of other’s thoughts, and comments. Once I began to get involved, I was astounded to see people interacting with me back! This motivated me to contribute more, such as sharing relevant links, forwarding new information about teaching Health and Fitness, as well as posing questions related to teaching.

Upon creating my twitter account, I immediately started following my broad interests. After a while I was simply consuming information from twitter, and I hated it. Not only that, I was feeling overwhelmed by the constant flow of seemingly scattered information. Through the process of unfollowing people, I have found my information feed to be more lean of relevant information that is of use to me. Therefore, I have made a conscious decision to only use twitter intentionally. I wonder if there is a technical name for using social media in a specific way, to enhance the mind? Perhaps there are research question/study that focuses on this question in particular?

Throughout the process of compiling a list of 53 people that I am currently following, I have kept the different aspects of Health and Fitness in mind. The aspects of Health are mental/emotional, physical, and social. I have chosen to follow psychologists who specialize in mental health/wellness. Additionally, I am following the national Health and Fitness organization (SHAPE America), as well as other Health and Fitness instructors. It is refreshing to have new ideas on a daily basis, plus there are questions posed by them that I too wonder about. I have been surprised to see there are 14 people following me. Is it because of the course posts that they are following me? Perhaps it is the people I have selected to follow that has piqued their interest in following me? I wonder when specific people follow me, what is it about me that has them interested in my tweets? I may never know, unless I tweet at them of course.

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